Sunday, April 27, 2014

There are times in life when you question why you are where you are. You question why God would put you there if it causes so much stress, or so little results or fill in the blank. I think the answer is clear, but sometimes very hard to accept.

The Lord wants your faith to grow.

In order to be rooted in the Lord and unwavering, our faith has to be put to the test. We cannot have strong faith unless it has been tested. It is in those those places, that we must look to the Lord for peace and wisdom, and we must cast our cares upon him and let them go.

I want to learn to bless the Lord in all circumstances. I want to be refined by the hard times I go through...not knocked down or discouraged.

Lord it is pitiful how much I let hard times get to me. Your Word is supposed to bring life. Your Word is supposed to be an anchor for my soul. So Lord I pray that I and anyone else who struggles with discouragement would trust that you are in control. And that we would allow the hard times to refine us and make us more like you. All glory and honor to you Jesus!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Revive Our Souls

The law of The Lord is perfect! It revives the soul...

Remember that! I pray that you would not let yourself drown in guilt from the past. That you wouldn't become judgmental. That you wouldn't feel that you are past the Lords forgiveness. Jesus Christ gave his life for YOU and his law is meant to bring revival in your life. It is meant to revive your heart and let it! Accept the love and mercy God is pouring out on you right now! 

But don't miss the message God has revealed to us through His The Lord your God with all you heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Do EVERYTHING you do to bring glory to the Creator of heaven and earth. The one true God!

Grace and peace to you! 
