I think a big part of growing is being able to see the areas that you struggle in, and being willing to change. I recently received a letter from my sponsor sister and she told me that due to financial problems she was out of school. Well today alone I have said how much I dislike school probably like 20 times. I got home and remembered that she had told me that, so I brought it up to my dad. Immediately it hit me how selfish I am! Not even 5 minutes before, I had been talking about saving up my money to by drums, and eventually a guitar for myself resulting in thousands of dollars spent, while this 16 year old girl had recently been taken out of school because her family could not afford it. I had been complaining about how hard school is and how I just don't want to do it, while there is a girl my age, no not just a girl, thousands of kids who are unable to attend school due to financial issues, sickness, etc. things that can really quite easily be prevented. I mean just with a thousand dollars that I could easily spend on a guitar I could be supporting a family in Zimbabwe, for I believe 10 weeks!
It's ridiculous that I can walk around my kitchen full of food and say to myself, what should I eat? when there are so many people in this world who are literally starving. The fact that I can find my self saying, "I'm starving!" sickens me! How could I be so selfish!
So we have established that I am selfish. Now the question is, how can I change that?
Mark 10:21 says this, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
We are not all necessarily called to sell all of our possessions, but before this verse a man had approached Jesus and said, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?", the man had kept all of the commandments, but there was one thing holding him back that Jesus saw, his possessions. After Jesus had told him to sell everything and give to the poor the man left because he was unable to do so. He was holding on to tight to his earthly treasures.
What am I holding onto? Is my faith truly in my Heavenly Father? Do I really believe that he will provide for me? Absolutely! My selfish desires get in the way so much! They will always try and creep up on me, but I would much rather follow Jesus and inherit eternal treasure than to collect treasures on this earth. I would much rather live simply and know that I am providing food, medical attention, etc. to those who need it, than to be living in the nicest house with every instrument, or whatever. I say all this to challenge myself and whoever else might be reading this...what are you going to let control you? Are you going to live selfishly or selflessly? I choose to live selflessly! I know that I may have to recommit every day, but if that is what it takes I will do it! I want to be living totally and completely for God! I don't want be holding on to anything except for God, who will never leave me!
Thank you Jesus for all of the many blessings you have lavished upon me and my family! I pray that rather than having my eyes on me, you would...
Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me you heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see
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