Lord God, greater than I can ever describe here - let me use my feeble words to give you praise as I am able. You are mighty and with me. You bring strength and comfort. You set my feet on the right path and equip me to walk it. You ARE an ever present help in times of need. You should not be tested and at the same time you are long-suffering. Thank you so much for that. I give you praise Lord God. I give you praise because there is no other response to your majesty. When I see the perfect sunrise, Mt. Rainier on a clear day when the mountain seems to loom, my incredible Issac Lake view - they all inspire me and bring an ease to my soul- these things cannot be compared to you. You are alive and you created every one of them. All were created by the perfect and most beautiful. The best of this creation around me only reflects a negligible infraction of you.
I don’t understand you God and your mysteries are deep. Yet as I follow the clouds begin to depart and I see the sun, the mountain, the lake - and then beyond them the great giver of all life! Oh Praise to you God! Praise to you! I want to switch this over to my typical asking of forgiveness - and I need it - but right now my eyes are on you and I keep them there. I am nothing and everything. I am lost and I am found. I am blind and I see more clearly than those around me. I have sinned and your mercies are new every morning. And here we are in the dark hours before the dawn and I am knowing your mercy and majesty. I am unable to express the depth of thankfulness for that and no doubt do not even fully appreciate it as much as I should.
I am forced to grasp at words I know, images I know, comparisons that try to convey who you are and how I see you - and they fall short. My mouth opens and the Spirit speaks in words that cannot be understood by me. In groaning that has more meaning than my most eloquent phrases. Not only do you bless me so much, save my life and set me on a path - you give me the tools to praise you beyond my own vocabulary and emotion. You are everything. The great I am. And I give you praise. It is what I was created to do. The creator is worthy of nothing less.
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