Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 21!

Today is the 21st day of our commitment. If you were to ask me, so how has that been going? the truth is that it is stinkin' hard! Over the past almost 3 weeks I have realized just how quickly I get angry with my family! It's discouraging! I feel like I will never be able to just take a deep breath and let go. And that's just it, I will never be able to truly and honestly stick to this commitment, to become slow-to-anger, or to just let go of things without God! This truth is obvious! We see it mentioned so many times in the Bible that we need to be dependent on God, not ourselves.That we don't have the ability to carry out good. Romans 7:18 says, "For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. My desire is to do what is right in the eyes of Jesus! But it is obvious that my flesh is weak! Some people may look at this verse and say sarcastically, "Well that's encouraging!" But man! I truly am encouraged by this verse! I'm encouraged because I can look at myself and see that the reason why I just can't seem to learn is because my flesh is weak, but there is a way to overcome.
The chapter ends with this, "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!..." Who will deliver me? God DID through Jesus Christ! Jesus made a way for us to be strong through the spirit! So although my flesh will be here as long as I live God is stronger, and greater! He has no limits! So whether you struggle with something huge or small or anywhere in between, we CAN overcome through Jesus Christ our Lord! And remember his word says, "My grace is sufficient for you"
Thank you JESUS!!!
So rather than depend on myself to fix my problems I will turn to GOD!

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